September 28, 2021
Color Change: 95% (High - Peak Color)
Leaf Drop: Minimal
The Canyon is at its peak of fall color, meaning the majority of leaves are at their boldest and brightest now before their winter shed.
Brisk wind this morning made the Quaking Aspen shimmer in the breeze. If you listen, you’ll see why they live up to their name.
Leaf drop is still minimal. The lack of storms and above-freezing forecasted temperatures mean the leaves should hold strong for several more days.
In addition to the gorgeous 76 Trail and Roughlock Falls areas, other places to notice this week include the southeast Canyon wall after Rim Rock Lodge and Devil’s Bathtub parking area. See the vivid Canyon colors close up after Rim Rock Lodge as the Aspen’s sprinkle the hills with their gold nugget leaves. Devil’s Bathtub is abundant in color from the ground shrubs to the trees. Throughout the Canyon Scenic Byway, watch for radiant red, leafy vines climbing the trees searching for autumn sunlight.